Julian Apple Days Seventh Annual Pie Contest
Date of Contest: Friday, October 3, 2014
Place: Julian Woman’s Club, 2607 C. Street, Julian
Time: Deliver entries between 10:30 AM to 12:00 noon
Judging Event Time: 1 PM
Award Winners Announced: by phone
Winners requested to appear: at Noon Sunday-October 5th at Menghini Winery in Julian. The Winners will be honored on stage. The 1st, 2nd, 3rd place winners will be awarded prize money at that time.
Cash Prizes: 1st prize – $300, 2nd prize – $200, 3rd prize – $100
Other Prizes: Honorable Mention and Participation ribbons will also be awarded.
Contest Chairman: Diana Garrett 760-765-3647
Committee members: TND
- Pie entries must be delivered to the Julian Woman’s Club between 10:30 AM and noon, Friday, October 3, 2014. NO ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER 12 NOON.
- All entry forms must be completed before arrival at the Julian Woman’s Club clubhouse.
- Only 1 Apple Pie entry allowed per family.
- The pie ingredients do not have to have only apples, it could include other fruits, i.e.: Apple Berry, or Apple Peach, BUT IT MUST HAVE APPLE IN IT.
- All recipes/entries must be HOME MADE.
- Absolutely NO store purchased entries
- Complete recipe and all ingredients must be listed with entry application.
- Plates, pans, or dishes cannot and will not be returned-use disposable items to hold entries.
- If any of the above items are not followed the entry will be disqualified.
- Left over pieces of the entry pies will be sold at the Apple Days Festival on Saturday, Oct 4th and proceeds will go to benefit the charities of the Julian Woman’s Club.
- The judges will judge entries by the following criteria:
a. Rules 1-8 followed
b. Taste of crust and filling, presentation, and creativity.
c. The Judges will not see names, only the recipe card and a number on the entry.
d. A point system will be used-in the event of a tie, a special Tie-breaker judge will make the final decision.
e. Four judges from the community will be used: Chef Jeremy Manley, Executive Chef of the Jeremy’s on the Hill Restaurant, Chef Charles Scott of the Candied Apple Pastry Company, and Liz Smothers, owner of the Julian Pie Company and Barry Brunye, owner of Dudley’s Bakery on Santa Ysabel.
- Caramel Apple Cheesecake Bars with Streusel Topping
- Ribbon Cutting Ceremony