Thank you for visiting the JWC Membership page. We are a friendly and welcoming group of women. If you would like to learn more about our local club, you are cordially invited to visit with us at a meeting. Any member will be happy to explain that our mission is to support each other with camaraderie and give financial support to the community of Julian. Click here for a Membership Application. Print the New Membership Form, fill it in, and mail to: JWC, PO Box 393, Julian, CA 92036.
Member Responsibilities
As our history tells, we are an active and highly accomplished club. This requires that every member be involved in ‘running’ the club. While not all members can be officers, there are many other positions ranging from major fundraising Chairmanships to other support responsibilities. Many members support multiple positions.
Every club member is expected to serve at hosting a meeting. Groups of 3 to 5 will hostess each meeting. If you are unable to fulfill your hostess duties for either the luncheon or business meeting, please get a substitute, trade with someone on another committee, and/or contact your chairman to make arrangements for financial support.
Dues are payable in March and delinquent at the April Meeting.
Members should make every effort to attend the Regular Business Meetings on the first Wednesday of every month except July and August. Make your voice be heard at the meetings. More than one club has been ‘saved’ from an unwise choice by one brave voice. Do give credit where credit is due. Sponsor your friends and new neighbors as new members. Have fun !!
Notify the membership chairman of any change of address, telephone number, email address, or change of name. If you must resign, please do so properly by letter so you will be noted as a resigned member in good standing.
JWC Responsibilities to Members
The Julian Woman’s Club provides opportunities for you to meet and work with other women; an atmosphere for you to have happy, meaningful experiences. The Club is interested in your health, welfare, and personal growth. The Julian Woman’s Club provides material and training for you to accomplish your responsibilities as an officer, chairman, support position holder or member.
The Club will provide orientation and involvement to new members. You will also receive a membership pin, Yearbook and name tag. The club will act as a catalyst for progress in the community of Julian.
The newsletter ‘Julian Jottings’ is delivered by email, by the Newsletter Editor, to all members. It will contain dates of upcoming events and meetings. Information is also supplied on the club’s website:
If you have a special area of interest or concern, the Woman’s Club has a category that you can work on in support of that interest e.g. breast cancer, child welfare, literacy, etc. You will find a group of women who will be interested in helping you with your goals.